
The Community Discord is the largest Discord server in existence that is aimed specifically at the community of It has over 3,000 members and is the most active Discord server in existence*.  It is known for its events, including skin competitions and map competitions, as well as the notable users who have, in the past, decided to become members there.

It was the host of the "Hall of Fame" event, in which notable maps from the original Bonk were selected by the community to be placed in the Hall of Fame section of Bonk 2 when it is released. The results of this were rebranded by Chaz into what is now the Community Picks in Bonk 1 and Bonk 2.

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Notable Members[]

Name Claim to Fame
Chaz Developer/Bonk 2 Developer
Fantao Creator of numerous Chaz's Picks maps and Bonk 2 Developer
JonesReal Creator of numerous Chaz's Picks maps and the most highly upvoted map creator in the game
MuadDib Creator of some of the world's finest gameplay/mechanism maps
TamHill Creator of the world's finest artwork maps and original creator of multiple copying-trend maps such as Juju Sports
ShyguymaskYT Well-known YouTuber
Corrupt0 (Corrupt X) Well-known YouTuber
NecessaryBONK Creator of numerous maps including the original Dragon map
G3nius Creator of many detailed art maps and, on occasion, mechanisms
GayfishDeluxe Creator of maps featuring unique mechanisms combined with a beautifully simplistic art style
catqwerty2020 Creator of numerous art maps (including numerous 3D art maps)
ProBond Creator of numerous maps that are famous; owner of BCD
Finbae Main Developer on Bonk Leagues

*based on data obtained from Discord, Inc.
