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Chaz is the creator of the former Flash-based, as well as the other games that were hosted on (Tiny Tanks, Tiny Planes, Project Gungame) He is currently the developer of the current HTML-Based, Supercar Stadium along with Fantao and is developing

He made a few of the maps that were featured on Chaz's Picks maps, which he also selected. His single-platform map Classic was the default map that is automatically chosen by default in a new custom game room within the original In Quick play, if no server is available (all currently open ones are full/no currently open ones near you), you will start on the map Waiting Room by Chaz within the original as well.

Chaz is also a member of the Community Discord, where he occasionally posts updates or talks about the game. He has been inactive for a long time, until he began talking in October for a short time. He has not been active since.

The most popular map Chaz has made is called Classic which has 636k+ up-votes, He created other popular maps too like Flying Map which has about 118k up-votes and Death Hall which has around 180k up-votes. Lastly, he has made a handful of maps on Bonk 2, none of which have reached significant popularity.

User Status[]

  • Before the level change:
    • Level 27
    • Total XP: 71,650
  • After the level change:
    • Level 999
    • Total XP: 99,600,400
  • Level without modified XP
    • Level 36
    • Total XP: 122,950


  • If you use the name Chaz within the original and join as a guest, it will name you "imposter" to show that you are not Chaz. Within Bonk 2, it is part of the banned guest names, preventing you from joining games.
  • Around November 25, 2019, Chaz changed the level of his account to 999 through modifying the database.

Gallery of Chaz's Most Popular Maps and Chaz's Picks[]
