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This page refers to the map Classic by Chaz. If you were looking for a different Classic, you can refer to the disambiguation page.

Classic is a map created by Chaz, and is his most upvoted map. It is the 3rd most upvoted map created on the original, Flash-based


The map was first created sometime before April 26, 2016, where it was featured within the "Gish Command Maps", where it was able to be loaded then with the command "/map 1" out of the selection of /map 1 to /map 7. Whenever a command for a map was invalid on Gish Mode, it will result in this map being selected.

After the "Gish Maps" were replaced with the Level Select and its database, the map was published by the accounts Official along with Chaz. The version of the map published on Official ended up being featured within the first few weeks within Chaz's Picks, before it was swapped with Chaz's version of the map, likely following the deletion of the map on the account Official in favor of this.

Following the Classic by Official being deleted, it was replaced with Chaz's version of it for a few weeks until it was taken off as well, where it grew in popularity as a result. Due to Chaz's version still appearing as the default map when a Custom Game is loaded, along with being near the top of the Top Rated section, it continued to grow to where it is today.


Note that the gameplay is based on the map before it was hacked, making it unplayable.

The map only consists of a single lime-green platform that rotates depending on the weight of the players on top of it.

The platform can also rotate at high speeds in the event that a player landed on a side of it with force, however it always gradually loses rotational speed due to it having some stiffness applied to it. Players within the map are forced to keep rebounding off the platform to prevent falling off the map.

YLKO's Edits[]


Classic (Modified by YLKO) as seen in Game Settings after choosing it.

First documented as far back as March 30th, 2018 on the Community Discord, YLKO somehow managed to get into Chaz's account and changed the map, making it unplayable.

This did not affect the Classic which appears when you opened a room in the Flash-based The map went through further changes since the initial hack, where the map ended up only having a single spawn in the centre of the map and nothing surrounding it.

On February 4th, 2021, a few weeks after the move over to the HTML5-based, Chaz permanently restored the map to its non-hacked state.
