This page refers to the Mode: Classic. If you were looking for a different Classic, you can refer to the disambiguation page.

A game of Classic being played within the Bonk 2 Beta, during the HTML5-based's development, along with the Mode Guide appearing on the right side of it.
Classic Mode (referred to Bonk within the Flash-based, is the default game mode of Custom Games within both versions of the game.
It was also the sole primary gamemode of the Flash-based, being added as part of the second update of the game, along with Volleyball Mode. The Bonk mode was at first mentioned as "Gish Mode" on April 14, 2016, and remained present under this name within the Flash-based code after the name change.
It was the only map mode that accepted Quick Play within the Flash-based However, the HTML5-based has introduced other Quick Play mode options such as (Simple, Arrows and Grapple, among others)
Major Changes In Development[]
- On April 14th, 2016, the mode, then called "Gish Mode" was released unfinished, where maps at the time worked through the usage of the commands /map 1 to /map 7, being the Gish Command Maps at were eventually all added over the next month. At first, players could only play within teams within these maps, with the option to play in FFA to be added on May 17th, 2016.
- On June 8th, 2016, a major update was released, including allowing players to use the X (Heavy) key, to become 50% heavier, and to jump through pressing up when stuck on a surface. By when this update was released, the commands /map 1 to /map 7 were removed in favor of community created maps.
- Sometime during the later half of the Summer of 2016, Gish Mode was renamed to Bonk Mode within the Flash-based
- The last significant change directly made to the gameplay of what was then called Bonk Mode, was the addition of Heavy key fading after holding it in, and slowly recharging after doing so in September of 2016.
- Within the first few months of Bonk 2 Beta's development, Bonk Mode was renamed to Classic Mode, being its current name within the current HTML5-based
How to Play[]
The goal of Classic Mode is to kill enemies by knocking them outside of the map or into a death object. Players can use the heavy ability within this mode (X, Shift and Space Bar by default) to increase their density. This is useful for hitting opponents harder and reducing the blow of opponents' hits. The heavy ability's potency wears out if used excessively but can be gradually regained through limited usage afterwards.