
This is an example of the Editor Elements within the current HTML5-based

The Editor Elements, or the Elements Panel is a section of the Editor in both the former Flash-based and the current HTML-based that allow(ed) for players to locate, create, and manage the elements for a map. The elements present within both of these versions contain(ed) the Platforms, Spawns, and Capture Zones as the elements present.

Editor Elements (HTML5-based[]

The panel features the three sections in the order of Platforms, Spawns, and Capture Zones, where it is divided into collapsible sections for each of them. If an element is featured higher up in the list, it will be displayed on top of the elements below it. In order to select an element, a player can click on it.

At the bottom of the selection, there's a menu of buttons at can serve to modify the elements present.

Above this section, there is a "color bar" which when clicked opens up the color selection on the Editor Properties side of the Editor, to change the color over the button menu, as well as all created shapes being the color it was selected to.

Plus Symbol - Allows for players to create a type of element for their maps.

Trash Can Symbol - Allows for players to delete an selected element from their maps.

Two Sheets of Paper Symbol - Allows for players to duplicate an copy an element in their map, along with functionality as for how, giving additional move, mirror and rotation options.

Up Symbol - Allows for players to move a selected element upwards within the listing in their maps, still being confined to their element type section.

Down Symbol - Allows for players to move a selected element downwards within the listing in their maps, still being confined to their element type section.

Differences from the Former Flash-based[]

- The panel featured the elements in a different order, being Spawns, Capture Zones, and Platforms. If an element was further down in the listing, it would appear on top of those higher up on it. This has since been flipped around, reorganizing the element entries in maps so that the highest appears on top as a result.

- Players were unable to collapse the element type sections within the feature.

- There was no color bar present.

- There was no button menu, with there only being a button to "Create New Element" being present at the bottom of the panel. Deletion and duplication of platforms was done in the Editor Properties and the movement arrows were present at the end of only Platform entries after selecting one.
