Filip, also known as Filip0000 and Filip000000, is a Croatian player and influencer who is currently level 82. The exact date he joined is unknown, however his earliest known appearance was in March, 2020.
Filip is most notably known within various Discord communities, particularly within Community Discord and the Bonk Leagues Discord server. He often uses Octocat (the GitHub mascot) as his profile picture, and he's highly associated with it.
As of January 2025, “Filip” has been mentioned over 10,000 times within the Bonk Leagues Discord and Community Discord.
History[] Community Discord activity[]
His first message on Discord was sent on March 1, 2020 within Community Discord. He quickly stood out to other members of the server due to his unusual way of typing and relatively short temper. His style of sending messages would later be known as “Filip Language”. Three days after initially joining, Filip was banned from Community Discord, likely due to his messages frequently containing spammy content and his regular swearing, a bannable offense in the server.
Bonk Leagues Discord activity[]
Shortly after being initially banned from Community Discord, on March 10, 2020, Filip would join the Bonk Leagues Discord server, which was where he would garner the most attention. He would frequently violate rules of the server, resulting in various disrespect from other members of the Discord. Despite this, Filip would often apologise for his actions, as to avoid a ban. Because of this, he developed an infamous status within the Discord and quickly became one of the most discussed and notable members.
He was initially banned from the Bonk Leagues Discord server on May 5, 2020 as a result of multiple repeat rule violations, and this decision was, for the most part, applauded by other members of the server who found him to be irritating. However, as time passed since his ban, Filip became more widely viewed as a humorous figure, developing a significant cult following within many Discord servers.
Following various appeals attempts, he was eventually unbanned from the Bonk Leagues Discord server on July 7, 2020. Due to the cult following Filip had amassed since his initial ban, he was met with a warm welcome from the members of the Discord server, as they had grown to appreciate him. Since then, Filip’s status has remained significant and his influence is widely recognisable within the community; quotes and “Filip Language” can be widely seen within the Bonk Leagues Discord server and Community Discord, and references to various Filip messages are regularly made.
Official Filip Server[]
On April 30, 2020, Filip created his own Discord server after being encouraged to do so by many members of the Bonk Leagues Discord server. The server was named "Filipcord" at the time, but it was soon renamed to "Official Filip Server" and it still has that name to this day. This would be the main Discord server that Filip resides in, following his ban from the Bonk Leagues Discord server. As of March 2021, Official Filip Server has over 70 members.
Hundreds of thousands of messages have been sent in Official Filip Server, though Filip purges the server of all messages every few weeks for no apparent reason. Filip usually threatens to mute, or even ban, anyone who speaks against him. The server has Official Filip Bot, a custom Discord bot that was developed by Filip.
Filip Language[]
“Filip Language” is a form of broken English with specific errors. For example, one such error is replacing all occurrences of “then” with “than”. Another aspect of Filip Language is capitalising the start of every sentence.
Filip doesn’t always speak in what is considered to be “Filip Language”. For instance, he may not start a sentence with a capital letter, or may sometimes spell “then” correctly. Filip Language is an exaggerated version of the way Filip speaks, but some aspects of Filip Language may not be exhibited by Filip anymore.
Below is a list of the most common “Filipisms”:
- Capitalise the start of sentences and proper nouns.
- Using a colon followed by an inline code block (e.g. Something like: `This`).
- Using all capital letters and many exclamation marks when angry.
- Using "YOU" or "You" as insults.
- Using a lot of ellipsis in sentences………..
- Using "^" to censor profanity
- Using certain words or phrases, some of which include:
- “F***er”, “S***ter”, “D**ker”
- “Great!”
- “Let’s …” (e.g. “Let’s ban you”)
- “Eat your d**k” (many variations of this exist and are commonly accepted)
- “WOW”, “Wow” or “wow”
- “no lol”
- Using certain emojis, some of which include:
- :smile: or :smiley:
- :smirk:
- :frowning: or :slight_frown:
- :joy: or :rofl:
- :angry: or :rage:
- :expressionless:
- :middle_finger:
Filip also typically mentions a specific company or product that he likes at the current time. Some examples of this include Microsoft/GitHub, XiaoMi and ShareX.
Profile pictures to use:
Also an invisible profile picture