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The Friends List is a feature only for players with Accounts that was introduced within TinyTanks in 2012 and carried over to the Flash-based in September 2016, having been present in every public version of since then, including versions of the HTML5-based, aside from early versions of Bonk 2 Alpha. The feature is part of the listing within the Main Menu.

Features (HTML5-Based[]

  • In the HTML5-based, both players must friend each other in order to be friended. An organization of those within your Friends List, between Incoming Friends Requests, those who are Online, Offline, as well as a listing of your friends from the Flash-based is present. Those who are online also have a "Join" button next to their name, players who are considered online are either present with Quick Play or a Custom Game.
  • Next to each name entry, there is a "Remove" button, that requires a second click in order to confirm it.
  • An add by name button, which allows for players to enter in a username in order to send a friend's request within a partial window that appears above the list. *(The game doesn't like to take usernames with a lot of numbers in them, and says "That name is invalid")*
  • A refresh button, that refreshes the listings.
  • The friend list orders players by the creation of the accounts. For example, a player at the top of your friends list would have created their account previous to any below.
  • Due to Bonk flash based being removed, players lost all of there friends in that game. However, you can add them back by scrolling down your friends list and you will get to a bar saying Friends from flashed based bonk. You will be able to after send friend request to your friends from flash based bonk once again with this feature.

Differences from the Flash-based

  • Within the Flash-based, there is no confirming friends, meaning that both users don't have to friend each other in order to be friends.
  • There is no organization between the listing of the usernames within the list, except only when one is within a Custom Game, then a player can click a "Join" button to join them.
  • Rather than a partial window opening when a player wants to friend a user, it is built into the Friends List itself.
  • There is no refresh button present, requiring for the list to be closed and opened again.