ghiii is a German player that started playing somewhere in late February 2017.
ghiii is a rather quiet player. He prefers to play Bonk 2 Quick Play, because he does not trust other people's hosting abilities. ghiii usually joins '1v1', 'parkour' or 'deathball' games. He tends to fight well in certain maps, especially 'Chaz's Picks,' and is very experienced. He owns several alternate accounts.
ghiii's skin is over three years old and has not been changed since it was created.
ghiii has made 70+ maps that have amassed over 4k total up-votes since he started playing At first ghiii only made normal PvP maps with the occasional parkour map, but two years ago he started to specialise in the creation of parkour maps. Since then he has made a total of 13 parkours that most have deemed to be difficult to complete. His favorite creation is 'UneXpeCteD MoVe', but his overall favorite map is 'i came to drop bombs' by JonesReal.
Known accounts:
ghiii - Level 230 - ~5,258,300 EXP
Morva - Level 101 - 1,000,000 EXP
TheSpook - Level 50 - 240,100 EXP
FallenOrk - Level 36 - 122,500 EXP