Impersonators are users who create accounts with names and skins similar to those of notable users. Some more advanced impersonators use malicious scripts to steal an identity entirely. Impersonators also come in the form of those users who steal or copy the work of notable users, such as maps and skins.
Impersonators consist usually of juveniles who have not yet developed any creativity of their own. Sadly, however, the practice is not limited to small children. It seems that most impersonators suffer from a lack of self confidence or have a severe need for attention. Some have cited their desire for fame as their inspiration for impersonating others.
Regardless; impersonators, map copiers, account copiers, skin copiers, gain attention from the creative work from others; often without the originator’s permission. Unfortunately, often a impersonator can cause conflict for the originator by confusing the community with uncharacteristic behavior, poor sportsmanship, or toxicity.
Impersonators should be ostracized from the community along with the map, skin and account copiers. Stolen valor is unacceptable at any stage.