Jin0412 is a South Korean Bonk player and mapmaker. He made his account in 2018. Jin0412 has achieved fame in the current version of Bonk with his maps, which have achieved thousands of upvotes. His most upvoted map is WeiRd DeAth BalL, and is currently the 2nd most upvoted map in the current version of Bonk.
Many of Jin's maps begin by changing values in the editor to an extreme degree, which results in the discovery of new concepts and glitches in the map editor - he is known for innovative and unique mechanics that he has created in this fashion. A frequent colour palette for his maps uses blue-green for the background and green for the basic colour of platforms. You should recognize the difference between making an original map and making a remix map. WeiRd DeAth BalL is a remix of "Deathball" by Botnick but it also has some unique gameplay which makes Jin's version subjectively better in many ways.