The Main Menu was a feature within the former Flash-based, and has been brought over into the HTML5-based
It is accessible after a player logs in with an Account, or chooses to play as a Guest.
- It has recorded rounds as the background for it. Any logged-in user can record a match, simply by saying "record" in the game chat, while playing a round, in the Flash version of the game. In HTML5, there's a button that looks like a camera that replaces that functionality.
- In the HTML5-based, it features a top bar and a list of brown buttons that is visible when a player's cursor in over the game window. The top bar is primarily for usability/personalization options, while the brown buttons allow the player to continue into the primary sections of Bonk 2.
- In the former Flash-based, instead of the overhead bar, it featured a centre list of brown buttons, along with more minor features surrounding the edges of the game.
Development (Flash-based)[]
When the Flash-based was first launched, the main menu was a hotchpotch of features including the Login, News Section, as well as the Room List.

This is an image of a breakout file save of a version of from April 2016, showing what the main menu looked like back then.
By August 2016, the main menu had swapped to a design similar to what is found today, though simplified. Later updates in the design resulted in more features and options to be added within it, such as Quick Play afterwards.

This is an image from a video taken in August 2016 of the main menu.
Development (HTML5-based)[]
Initially, the development of the HTML5-based was within its Alpha versions, called Bonk 2 Alpha in July-August 2019, where the main menu was redesigned to carry a dark blue theme.

This is an image of the main menu during Bonk 2 Alpha.
During the first few days of Bonk 2 Beta, which became released a few months after Bonk 2 Alpha publicly closed, the main menu went back closer to the design seen on the Flash-based This design was slowly modified over time without any major changes made to it, aside from the brought back of the recorded matches as the background.

This is an image of the main menu in Bonk 2 Beta, in November 2019.
During May 2020, the UI of the main menu was greatly changed as part of an update, having the brown buttons removed once again in place of a bottom game options menu. This is an image of this menu, but after a player chose the "Play" option, putting images of the available play options above the main menu. It also featured an overhead bar featuring player information and mostly some settings options.

This is an image of the main menu after a UI update in Bonk 2 Beta during May 2020.
During October 2020, the UI was changed back closer to the design seen in the Flash-based again, continuing to be its current design. It still carries over the overhead bar as seen before the revision of the April UI update. The only change made since then to the feature is being that now for Guests, the tutorial now appears at the top of the column of brown buttons.
This is an image of the Main Menu as seen within Bonk 2 Beta in October 2020.