Mirr0rs is a russian player that is known for his grapple skills and grapple leaderboards. Now he's considered to be one of the best grapple players ever and sometimes is even called "eternal top 1". It's also assumed that he played WeiRd DeAth BalL before coming to Simple Grapple 1v1.
Grapple mode progression[]
First time Mirr0rs was seen playing grapple in russian community is July 2nd of 2021. 6 days later, on July 8th he managed to take 15th spot in Grapple Skill Leaderboard and one week later, on July 15th he was set on 9th spot.
On August 9th Mirr0rs kept moving through leaderboard by getting 6th spot. 2 days later, on August 11th of 2021, Mirr0rs became the first russian player who could overwhelm all his opponents and get 1st spot on the leaderboard, although his skill was debatable on that moment and he was moved to 2nd spot. On 22th of August Mirr0rs was added to official leaderboard editor team, making him a second russian editor in the team alongside with Itz ShiZa.
Finally, on December 17th of 2021, Mirr0rs started reaching his peak and got to the 1st spot of official leaderboard as a result of winning the best grapple players of that time: AdrianGamer2 with score of 9-4 and tiger ex with score of 9-5, becoming the first russian player on the 1st spot of Grapple Skill Leaderboard and the player that held top 1 for more than 2 years.
2022, 2023[]
In 2022-2023 years Mirr0rs was one of the last OG grapple players. Regardless of that, he kept playing and encouraging new players to play grapple by making new leaderboards where he always, of course, was on top 1.
On January 1st of 2024 Mirr0rs had already passed his prime and trained a lot of decent new players, so he got kicked off from 1st spot by kup_kupovich on one of his leaderboards. On 20th of May both Mirr0rs and kup_kupovich are marked as top 1 since the better player isn't defined yet.
Other modes[]
Even though Mirr0rs is a talanted grapple player, his skills in other modes can't make him a decent player outside the grapple community. Mirr0rs also tried to play 1v1 Flat Maps but didn't success there.
Discord activity[]
Fear clan[]
Mirr0rs is co-owner of Fear clan (the owner is Ceverage) which is currently (on the moment of writing this page) one of the best bonk.io clans.
Grapple world cup (GWC)[]
Not enough information. Mirr0rs was a participant but didn't get a good place on the GWC 2021-2022.