The My Favourites list is a feature that was present within the Flash-based and has been brought over to the HTML5-based as well.
How to Use[]
Maps can be added into the My Favourites list, by using the command /fav or to favouriting the map when voting, both of which for a map that was published in the HTML5-based, it will add a map into the player's Level Select, under "My Favs."
To take out a map from this list, use the command /unfav to remove it from the list, or remove it manually within the listing.
Maps that were favourited in the former Flash-based, are stored in a separate tab in the current Level Select, under "Bonk 1: My Favs." The maps within "Bonk 1: My Favs", listing were only able to be altered within the no-longer present Flash-based
*To favorite a map, you must be logged into an account and the map must be public and made on bonk2 (HTML5-based). If one of those requirements isn't met, this error message is given.