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Raspy 667 is the world's all time winningest bonk 1 player. Rasputin aka Raspy, with his long time experience coupled with his high win rate, has set and achieved countless milestones within the game to include being among the very first to ascend to level 100 and the very first known to hit 200 in September of 2018 (not another player was known to achieve this tedious feat until Shunk gave rise a whole year later). 

On 12/29/2020, Raspy stepped aside from the game as he reached a combined level of 401 with a perfect 16,000,000 XP. In mid 2021, Rasputin created an alternate set of accounts specifically for Bonk2.

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The well preserved rasputin 666 skin!

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Raspy is also a renowned map maker specializing in game play, graphics and complex mechanisms. Some of his most memorable are 1, Hotel NoTell, The Destroyer, and so on. His most upvoted map, Log Fight has over 20k upvotes followed by Get Stamped with over 7K and several more over 5k. 22 of his maps have over 500 upvotes and 14 of those have over 1,000. Not long ago, the community voted 10 of his maps into the new "Community Picks" category which has replaced "Chaz Picks". Of his 100 maps or so, he has over 74k upvotes.

Raspy conceptualized and was the first known to create a number of accounts based upon a common theme. In the beginning, Rasputin 666 donned a simple skin consisting of nothing more than a black "X" (oxidizer). Because he caught onto the game fairly quickly, he chose the "X" to help give his opponents a target. When his first account reached level 50, he decided that he would add something new to his skin every time he gained an additional 5 levels. It wasn't long before he created what has now become his signature skin.

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Big Rog

He further stated that he started with the alts because there are masses of players in the bonkio community who are very mean spirited. He says that he has been accused of xp farming by a handful of "ignorant fools", as well as hacking. He claims that the closest he ever got to xp farming was playing against 555 and 777 in Quick play where he ran a streak of 47. He says that 555 was there alone for the first 10 games until 777 showed up and that both were trying, and all the while spewing inappropriate language his way. As for hacking, he says that he does not like hacked maps at all and thinks that Cheat Engine has given a bunch of miserable fools a tool that has been used to attempt to destroy the game.

The Rasman-0

The Rasman




Emergency Landing




(1) All time highest known BONK 1 XP earner with 16,000,000 of total XP; all accomplished without farming, without hacking, without XP scripting, without playing 1 round matches, without farming novelty maps, without accelerated xp from Bonk2 or any other type of short cut.

(2) The very first to develop a theme of alternates.

(3) One of the first players to get to level 100.

(4) The 2nd known to have two accounts hit level 100 (raheel c was first)

(3) The first known to legitimately hit level 200 (accomplished in 2018).

(4) The first known to have 3 or more (12) accounts with level 100 or greater.

(5) Has created over 100 original maps that have cumulatively received over 75,000 upvotes.

(6) Had 10 maps voted into the Hall of Fame

(7) Created franchise of 7 maps themed around God starring “the Savior” (often misidentified as a UFO), 3 of which made the Hall of Fame

(8) Pushed the 3D envelope and developed some of the most original and complex mechanisms in bonk (querp is still king)

(9) When adding levels of all accounts and ignoring XP, has a sum of 1,829 making him the first known to reach the coveted 1,000 milestone and now well over 1,750!


raspy 667 200 3,964,650
rasputin 666 101 1,010,000
The RasMan 101 1,001,000
RasterBlaster 101 1,000,100
Fidel Rastro 100 982,200
RastaLaVista 100 980,400
Blackasspy 100 980,300
Rasmanian Devil 100 980,300
RasKilzbit 95 895,800
RasMaTas 79 612,000
Rasteroid 70 485,100
DerRaspenheifer 60 348,300
Cailey Cudbug 80 624,200
Big Rog 55 300,000
SirWins_a_lot 50 244,300
Just_Frank 45 196,700
Krystal Kuddles 45 193,900
PoopBrownKirby 45 193,800
MacGruder 40 153,800
Newt the Mute 35 122,500
PeeWee Johnson 35 122,500
Herman T 35 121,100
Edith Goldstein 35 116,300
Jack Shrader 35 115,850
Drake X 35 115,850
Humble Pie 35 115,650
Les Finkelstein 15 24,000
TOTALS 1,829 16,000,000
Bonk 2 Accounts LEVEL XP TOTAL
Feegaro 183 3,348,800
Meaty Pete 101 1,000,000
Spazputin 100 980,100
Jewce McClain 100 980,100
DblYurScore 82 672,300
ThunderMonk 43 184,800
QueefersonJones 32 96,000
TheBigHurt 17 25,600
TOTALS 7,287,700
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Duck Kilzbit

When calculating cumulative levels, due to the progressive level up requirement , one must add up XP earned and then determine what level value the cumulative XP total equals. Raspy with his cumulative XP is at the undisputed all time legitimate highest bonk 1 level of 401. With Bonk1 and Bonk2 Accounts, Raspy ranks #2 all time of cumulative XP with over 23,000,000 xp or the equivalent of level 481.

*As of 02/04/23
