
Ships was a scrapped game mode that wasn't intended for public use. It was present in the Flash-based, being added in the May 12th, 2017 update and was removed a week later to be replaced with Karts (which also got removed in later versions).


A close-up image of players playing Ships mode, taken from the video listed at the bottom of this page.


Instead of balls, players are purple squares moving in a square area restricted by a slowly shrinking red border wall. You could collect parts scattered across the map: red squares shoot projectiles (the black part indicates the shooting direction, which is especially important as it is not possible to turn your "ship" around) and blue square are able to speed you up.

The goal of the game is to aim your projectiles towards other player's attached shapes in order to destroy them and to make them less powerful. Once it is possible to shoot at one's internal purple square, they are killed and their still-attached shapes fall off, being able to be picked up.

The more parts you have, the more zoomed out the camera becomes, however, without using blue parts, you also become slower. The goal of the game is to defeat other players and become the last one standing. There is no XP reward for winning, as no matter how many rounds you set, the game doesn't end unless closed.

The Win screen does show up when a player is the victor within a round, but it doesn't get counted as a round by the game.


Arrow keys/WASD - Movement keys

Space/X/Shift - Shoot

Z - Detach parts (Order: from last to first picked)

Parts are attached automatically when touched.


  • When spectating the match, the camera is only focused on one spot without a way to move it, making it nearly impossible to watch the game.
  • Despite being removed from newer versions, it was playable when using the "breakout9y" .swf file. Players wanting to play Ships together needed to use the aforementioned version to access rooms with that game mode.


Bonk.io_Ships_Mode Ships Mode

(Gameplay starts at 0:10)
