
ApixZx ApixZx 3 June 2019

What are you expecting in bonk 2?

There are alot of theories about whats gonna be new in 2. What do you want to be added to bonk 2 that you think will make the game better?

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ApixZx ApixZx 2 June 2019

Keep my seat warm. (I'll be back soon)

Sorry for being inactive. I started playing other .io games and now I'm circling back to bonk. I'll attempt to stay active afor these next few weeks nd hopefully make great contibutions to the wikia. 

Blah blah blah, I'm bad at making good annoucnments. But, for know I have my last year of school closing up and I'll be super active in the future.

As always (starting now), Apix

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ApixZx ApixZx 4 December 2018

Polls and Home page edits

Heyo, It's me again. This is just an update blog post for which I can use to better my contribution to this Wiki. This blog I have 2 topics

I have done something new to the Home page and will like your thought about it. The thing is I have added a Wiki stats box for which people can see how many edits there have been, active people, creation of the Wiki page, etc. I have also added a Polls box for new polls in relation to the game (similar to discussion), which leads me to topic 2..

Polls are something I want to bring into this Wiki. Personally, I feel like polls would do this server good. As of now you can look at SubmitPolls to see infomation about them. I would also like your opinion on this too. :p

*Note: The 'Polls' concept is not finish…

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ApixZx ApixZx 30 November 2018

Thank you

Thank you guys for all the support this past week! Alot of you have added me and played with me recently. Thank you for all the positivity and support on my new map Push them off 2. My expirence here has been everything good. I look foward to spending more and more time contributing to the wiki and playing bonk!

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ApixZx ApixZx 26 November 2018


====Hello There! My name is Apix, and my bonk user is Apix_Zx, feel free to friend me. I just made this account, but I'm not new to Wikia. I am currently active on 1 other Wiki that I am currently a moderator on. I plan to be fairly active on this Wiki, as so the other one. I enjoy playing and I look foward to continue playing for a long time. That's all for now.====

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