
Juice LAROI Juice LAROI 29 January 2021

Just a update on the Grapple World cup

Here is the leaderboard of the grapple world cup only 5 players remain

  • Fogado771
  • JGifford
  • AdrianGamer2
  • TheNothiness
  • Earth3643/Francy3643
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Juice LAROI Juice LAROI 21 January 2021

Grapple World cup starting tommmorow

Hello, I know this kind of like advertising but I just wanted to let everyone know the Grapple 1v1 world cup is starting tomorrow and will streamed on Twitch by a group of streamers such as NoTalkOnlyProx.

Discord link for server:

Matches by Order (11-11:50am pst) and ( 2-4pm pst)

Earth3643 vs xXlukesamaxX

mgifford vs UgandaSnov

Ant698 vs Lanculeot

Thenothingess vs liquid_2good

Tomato45 vs Uncledan52

cuthul vs crackshot3333

zynss vs danielsun09307

AdrianGamer2 vs Firey Phoenix

OverlordOp80 vs JGifford

MYTH_doglover vs Clois


Snowy Phoenix vs Lighting master

Lucid Ud3rd0g vs Rj200o5

passivx vs zi93

Meta Noon9H vs ImDatSusBoii

and Fogado771 vs le_rem

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Juice LAROI Juice LAROI 28 December 2020

Could this become a grapple leaderboard page

So I found this thingy and if this is accurate could it potentially become a grapple leaderboard page?

Here is the top 100 if your to lazy to click it

  1. Fogado771
  2. Iw22334/ Pb Pestilence
  3. Earth3643
  4. Spidey_1
  5. AdrianGamer2
  6. JGifford
  7. h_bar
  8. Old grappler
  9. Chacne]
  10. 1Nocturnal
  11. Uncledan
  12. 7Ace
  14. MK K4/payitaht
  15. Snowy Phoenix
  16. Snace
  17. Diamond Blade
  18. Falime
  19. LMANburg
  20. the nothingness
  21. Passivx
  22. Thenothingess
  23. BowlingBob
  24. The 9th doctor
  25. NTOP
  26. imapropls
  27. 4undertaker4
  28. Gudstrat
  29. Blobarub
  30. Rj2200o5
  31. Spyninjas
  32. Hermit__
  33. Meta Hanged King
  34. GGirl
  35. GrappleGod/Spider Glue/ DDg_Xboxorg
  36. Cuthul
  37. MetaNoon9h
  38. Liquid_2good
  39. Bready_yt
  40. Meta BRB
  41. ImDatSusBoi
  42. Lucid_underd0g
  43. UgandaSnov
  44. Meta Drag0n
  45. 0Astral0
  46. Dream__
  47. Ant698
  48. MYTH_doglover
  49. mgifford
  50. Tim…

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Juice LAROI Juice LAROI 22 December 2020

The grapple world cup

The grapple world cup is currently in the group Stage

It is a 65 player qualifying tournament with 32 players advancing to the main stage If a player wins they get 3 points if they lose they no 0 points. Points can also be awarded if you challenge a player a win by forfeit. Qualifying day (s) :  Every day from December 14th- December 27th  ( Note: May be delayed if necessary) First 32 players to reach 21  points will be the qualified players for the world cup. Once the top 32 players are known they will be sorted into pots. For the people who are in the list qualified or not qualified will have get 7 wins or 21 points to qualify altought around 25 players have qualified for the world cup. Pot A will have the first 8 players to make it to …

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