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Introduction and Reasoning:[]

Compared to Bonk1, the Bonk2 Beta provides far more xp at a quicker rate. Although, this may seem that is a good thing, that the game is finally easier to level up in, it has lead to some players taking advantage of it. Firstly, let's talk about the xp differences between the two modes.

Infomation about XP Gained:[]


Win a "Free For All Match" +200xp

Win a Team Match- +100xp

Win a Quick Play round- +50xp

Lose any Custom Game match- +25xp

Lose any Quick Play round- 0xp

Bonk2 Beta:

Win any round- +100xp

Lose any round- 0xp


Although, written out, this may seem like an improvement to some degree, notice that Bonk2 offers xp by the round, not the match.

So for example, if there was a match that was 3 rounds (the default) in Bonk1, you would win 200xp if you won. With Bonk2, with a match of 3 rounds, you would get 300xp (considering that you get to 3 wins first). Along with that, any one else playing would get 100xp for every round that they won. But this comes with many issues, as there is far more xp given out to everyone playing.

Why it's Problematic:[]

With the increase of xp given overall, people are taking advantage of this. As a result, they are xp farming their way to higher levels. Not that they are breaking any rules, they are instead playing the game with other real people. This shows that the Bonk2 Xp system is over-generous and gives the majority of players far more xp then they should when they win.

Possible Solutions:[]

Solution 1- Set the xp won for each round to a lower value, (maybe 50xp per round). Along with that, add xp streak points if you win multiple times in a row. 

It could work like this (Streak Boost):

Won a Match (Streak x1)-    +50xp

Won a Match (Streak x2)-    +75xp 

Won a Match (Streak x3)-   +100xp

Won a Match (Streak x4+)- (restart the process at +50xp again)

Lost a Match (Any Streak)- (restart the process at +50xp again, 0xp for that round) 

Solution 2- Still have the xp won for each round to a lower value, (maybe 50xp per round ). Along with that, add a mode that offers you a lot of xp but at a small chance. (That way, only a few players strike it lucky with xp.)

It could work like this (Champonship Mode):

- A mode where 20-30 people compete for an large xp prize. (~5000-10000xp)

- The game can vary at random from a parkour course, to an arrow aiming competition, and everything in between.   

- One game happens once a hour.

- It is first come, first serve for those who come at the hour.

-If they die (or lose in some way), they are eliminated.

-Only the top 3 people get a xp price, everyone else wins nothing.

-Once you score a game in the top 3, you cannot compete for a set amount of time. (Possibly 1-3 Days.)

Price System:

1st Place Winner-   60% of the price

2nd Place Winner-  30% of the price

3rd Place Winner-   10% of the price

Everyone Else-        0% of the price 


With either of these solutions implemented into the game, people will be less likely to xp farm without them feeling that Bonk2 is stale or harsh with lower xp gains. With this the game will still be balanced like it was in Bonk1, without taking away the current joy of xp gaining in Bonk2.