Tons of different reasons, so I'm just going to copy paste what I've written concerning it in the comments and sent directly to ranker
this wiki is about bonk, not the users on bonk and their SUBJECTIVE SKILL none of this can be objectively proven, and therefor shouldn't be included on a wikia for facts. Users, maps, and other IN GAME CONTENT are included, I could make my own list based on how good skins are and that'd be just about as valuable of a list as this is, because it's all subjective and user made. This is a wikia about, not the users and their subjective skill.
and yes this also applies to CLANS and SKIN PAGES, which I've already suggested multiple different ways to change those groups of dumb pages, for example for clans you have have a single page that wouldn't cloud the wikia and cause inactivity on each and every dumb clan that gets started by dumb people for skin pages it would make sense to NOT HAVE THEM because skins are user made, and aren't facts or objective truths that can be presented to a userbase, this page along with many many others should be deleted and strictly moderated in order to keep the integrity of the wikia, at this rate we're basically becoming a mix between watchmojo and imgur
- and yes this also applies to CLANS and SKIN PAGES, which I've already suggested multiple different ways to change those groups of dumb pages,
for example for clans you have have a single page that wouldn't cloud the wikia and cause inactivity on each and every dumb clan that gets started by dumb people
for skin pages it would make sense to NOT HAVE THEM because skins are user made, and aren't facts or objective truths that can be presented to a userbase, this page along with many many others should be deleted and strictly moderated in order to keep the integrity of the wikia, at this rate we're basically becoming a mix between watchmojo and imgur
nope! wrong I wouldn't even include myself in the top 100 of my own list, i've played plenty of people who are better than me, I find it an honor that 12 people would find me in the top 50. Still read my previous points! I've been campaigning for objective posts for the last year! check my edit history! I've been trying to get rid of clan pages and skin pages for awhile now, and something as subjective as overall skill does not belong as a page, but rather a forum post.
but still let me defy your absolutely subjective rankings for a second
I have CONSISTANTLY ON VIDEO held my own against turkey, 57 minutes into this video I hold ground against turkey in quick play 21 minutes into this video I absolutely dominate all of the other players including turkey and continuing to choose maps that are varied
In every single one of my livestreams I display skill against many of your players that are above me, turkey, filet, 100100100100100, notaragingpeep, and retard
You guys continue to discount my skill and continue to push the agenda that all of my exp gain comes from hoverboard battle, although I didn't even start hoverboard after level 120, and I didn't dominate it until far after 140, meaning if my win rate was 70% on hoverboard, that would still only account for 25% max of exp
But still nonetheless I do not believe I am top 50, maybe top 100 on a good day, SUBJECTIVENESS does NOT belong on a wikia of this nature, it belongs on a blogpost that you can needlessly shill as much as you want.
2. All pages on this wikia must contain no bias/boasting, and all pages must be completely factual and informational.
rule 8
8. All articles should be from a neutral (third-person omnipotent) point of view, and it should not be from a first or second person view. Any pages that relate from a character/person within Bonk are the exception.
and no rule 1 does not allow the page as it still violates rules 2 and 3 because the page is not objective, factual, and information, it is wholey subjective.
and clan pages still make it past rules 2 and 8, but violate the notability rule and fall under implied rule breaking as how we use previous decided lawsuits and implied rules in the consituation to decide the laws of the united states lol
will update later when I have more to talk about on the subject